Management Development

IaWs USP: We offer organisation's and businesses one, two and three days bespoke management development courses that deliver management competencies to integrate diversity, our identities and social justice as central components to good management practices.

Benefits: To develop managers and potential managers to manage a diverse workforce, recognise and eradicate inequality, whilst placing 'respect' as a central components of the work culture.

Sample objectives: These can be tailored to need and delivered in half day modules.

Day 1: Objectives

Will provide managers and potential managers with the opportunity to:

  • Profile what is good management and leadership;
  • Review the differences between management and leadership;
  • Learn, review and apply an equalities tool-kit for aspiring managers;
  • Better understand how inequality spreads and needs to be managed out of the workplace;
  • Review career aspirations and the barriers to progression;
  • Learn from 360 feedback;
  • Plan their next Supervisions; produce an agenda and script to assist their career progression.

Day 2: Objectives

Will provide managers and potential managers with the opportunity to:

  • Review the differences between assertion and evidence in application forms and at the interview;
  • Undertake mock interviews
  • Analyse how to be successful in interviews with support from two senior managers;
  • Practice the management skills of assessing information quickly and feeding back on key points;
  • Learn, review and apply an equalities tool-kit for aspiring managers  
  • Review the merits of Charismatic Leadership and its application for BME managers;
  • Complete the competencies underpinning this programme and report back on progress.

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